Vintner Kit Video 1

This is the first video of a series of  short 2017 posts to get folks excited about creating their own eatable landscape at their home.  This first series focuses on growing grapes, building a grape trellis that will last a life time, and some things to think about in selecting your site. 

For this site I used an existing trellis line and the road as two key elements to help position the new trellis.  The main point that I wanted to make in this recording is that the home owner, in making their site selection for their backyard vineyard should frequently take a step back and take a perspective look from a distance.  That combined with accurate tape measurements will ensure that your trellis will look beautiful when finished. 

The next video of the series will highlight the value of reusing the grass that was removed for the trellis somewhere else on your property.  It's so easy to replant the grass and saves you the cost of grass seed and the time it takes to grow new grass. 


Vintner Kit Video 2 Planning Ahead and reusing materials removed