KSV Table Grape Varieties
For Sale at KSV Fruit Nursery
Suffolk Red
Sufolk red
Suffolk Red produces medium to large, loose clusters of mild-flavored red berries. Winter damage and poor fruit set are often problems, but flavor is outstanding.
Canadice produces compact clusters with medium size, pink to light red seedless berries. A slipskin variety with tender and edible skin with a
distinct but not overpoweringly labrusca flavor.
Vanessa produces medium-sized clusters of bright deep red berries with moderate bloom, firm flesh, and crisp texture. Flavor is mildly aromatic but not of Labrusca type and is considered among the best of red
seedless grapes.
Reliance produces large clusters of round, red, medium-sized berries with tender skin non-adhering to flesh. Color is pink to red when fully mature with delicate Labrusca flavor and aroma, without noticeable seed traces.
Concord Seedless
Concord Seedless
A sport of Concord with clusters and berries smaller than Concord. Fruit matures earlier than Concord with good flavor perfect for pies and preserves.
New seedless variety! Thomcord is a cross between Thompson Seedless and Concord - sweet, juicy, and plump. Thomcord has a blue-black skin with a mildly sweet flavor from the Thompson seedless parent, blended with a Concord-like taste. Number one recommended table grape for New Hampshire home owners. Also makes great jelly.
Mars is a productive vine with medium-sized clusters of medium to large slipskin berries that turn from crimson to deep blue at maturity. Fruit has a thick slipskin, resistant to cracking. Fruit holds well on the vine and is suited for extended periods of harvest.
Brianna produces large clusters of medium size white grapes. It is very cold hardy and shows good fungal resistance. Brianna can be used as a table grape and produces a nice white dessert wine. Wines are semi-sweet with pineapple nose and flavor. Pairs well with chicken, whitefish, and shellfish- in butter or light colored sauces.
Somerset Seedless is a winter hardy, medium-sized red seedless grape with strawberry-like flavor. Moderately vigorous plants with small to medium sized compact clusters. Somerset is quite disease resistant but requires a typical spray program for downy mildew control. Grapes are edible at the pink stage in August but much more flavorful and sweeter if left to ripen to full red. Great for juice and jelly.